
$35 – Walk in
$250 – Block of 10 Classes
$120 – One Month Unlimited

Class Types

Yamuna Body Rolling® (YBR): [Release Therapy] In this class, we use different sizes of soft balls to explore our bodies, massage and work out. Working on bone, muscles, ligaments and fascia. The focus during this practice lies in breathing, creating space, relaxing and lengthening as well as toning muscles. Read more here.

Foot Fitness & Yoga: [Grounding & Strength] Get more grounding building your strength from your feet up. Ultimately our posture starts from our feet up but our feet are often the most neglected part of our body. Learn to use your feet and muscle chains from there up to improve your movements.

Restorative Yoga: [Grounding & Balance] The focus of this yoga practice aims to restore the body and mind to a state of equilibrium by balancing the fluctuating energies that exist within us. The class will start with an energergetic sequence to revitalise bodily systems, reawaken the mind and elimiate lethargy, then slowing down to work on realignment and decompression of deep muscles and tissues, relieving anxious energy to centre the mind. Closing with pranayama (breathwork) and meditation, building awareness and mastery of energy regulation that maintains the harmonious balance achieved. Instead of feeling drowsy or exhausted after class, a restorative practice will help you find mental clarity and physical rejuvenation.

Stretch Yoga: [Mind Body Connection] A mindful yoga class to stretch and unknot unnecessary holding tensions and aches created from habits and past injuries. Featuring a somatic approach, guiding you into intentional movement sequences to facilitate release, awareness, articulation, and circulation through the body. Through releasing, we can go deeper into our bodies, creating space for self-awareness through movement, improving overall mobility and range of motion. Suitable for all levels.

GYROKINESIS®: [Functional Strength] A unique movement method addressing the entire body, coordinating movement, breath and mental focus. It’s opening energy pathways, stimulates the nervous system, increases range of motion and creates functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences.

Pilates Matwork: [Core & Stabilisation] Comprising of 34 Joseph Pilates Exercises and 274 modifications, a full body workout combining breathwork and contrology. Contrology develops the body uniformly, corrects postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit. Suitable for all levels.  

Morning Yoga: [Awaken & Energise] This is a variation of Hatha Yoga that moves into Vinyasa Yoga (from slow flow into fast flow). Participants will be energised, ready to start their day and able to carry out this energy throughout their day. Suitable for all levels. 

Flow Yoga:[Flexibility & Stability] The Flow Yoga class is an evolvement and extension of Hatha Yoga, embracing the use of gentle rhythm and music to guide the movements and transitions, creating a harmonious slow flow between body and mind. During practice, one needs concentration, strength, flexibility and balance. The class will focus on improving flexibility & stability. Suitable for all levels.  

Functional Yoga: [Functional Mobility & Strength] A guided practice with supportive props (including yoga chairs and blocks) that focuses on moving in an efficient and mindful way. Class structure emphasises on functional mobility and integrating everyday movements to help support and enable us to perform the activities of daily life with more ease, flexibility, and strength. If you are looking for overall wellbeing in your body and functional movement, this class will be ideal for you.

Chair Yoga: [Balance & Mobility]: Chair Yoga a gentle form of yoga that that is done while seated or using a chair to balance, making the practice more accessible, while offering the same benefits as traditional yoga.  Having the chair enables your body to be more spatially aware through the transitions of poses and feel more connected with your practice. 


A minimum of 24 hrs notice is needed for reservations. Walk-in rate of $35 applies. Please arrive 15 minutes early to your first class to complete a registration form. Classes start promptly and doors are closed during this time. We apologize that latecomers cannot be accommodated.

  • All class packages entitle members to attend any movement classes in Paradigm Wellness, unless otherwise stated.
  • All packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Paradigm Wellness reserves the right to change the fee without prior notice.
  • Class schedules are subject to change without prior notice.
